Clean Green Certified® Programs Available

Agriculture & Processing Programs

Many changes, and evolutions have taken place in the cannabis industries since the Clean Green Certified® Program began in 2004.  Over these 22 years, the farming and processing industries have seen the value in a qualified, non conflicted certification program to help differentiate their product in a challenging marketplace. The Clean Green Certified® Program has now expanded into additional certifications which are sustainably oriented while allowing a greater number of farmers and processors to benefit from a qualified, third party certification system.

The Clean Green Certified® Organically Managed program.  Under the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) regulations, cannabis is not eligible for the federal organic program. For that reason, cannabis in the United States may not be represented as, or labeled as, organic, or certified organic. To provide a qualified third party program for cannabis farms managing their crops organically, the Clean Green Certified® program began. Since 2004 the Clean Green Certified® Program has been the “closest to organic certification in the cannabis industry“. The Clean Green Certified® logo has been widely accepted as the gold standard of “organically managed” cannabis flower and product certifications. This is the program that built the brand…  since 2004.  

The Clean Green Best Practices Certified™ Program. Over the past 22 years, it has become clear that there are soil types, or other factors where a cannabis crop does not respond well to solely organic fertilizers and soil amendments.  The Clean Green Best Practices Certified™ program might be the best suited program for these farms and processors. Pest or disease control must still be organically managed, however the program does allow for the limited use of synthetic fertilizers in a responsible manner. There must be steps taken to reduce run off and guard against the over use of these inputs.  As with all of the Clean Green Programs, footprint reduction and sustainability must be integral to the operations management.

The Clean Green Certified Regenerative™ Agriculture Program.  Regenerative agriculture is finally beginning to gain the attention and consumer interest it has deserved for many years. Regenerative agriculture leads to more diversity within a farming system as well as greater area set aside for wildlife habitat. Regenerative agriculture requires an active program of rebuilding soils, watersheds and wildlife on the land being farmed. Regenerative agriculture can begin to restructure the diminished ecosystems so damaged by decades of commercial agriculture.
The Clean Green Certified® Regenerative Agriculture certification is available for participants of either program mentioned above.  Very few farms qualify for this coveted certification.

The Clean Green Certified® Vegan Program.  Market research has shown that there has been strong interest in Vegan cannabis for many years. It can be difficult for a farm or processor to qualify as vegan certified, as no animal products may be used at any stage of the growing or processing of the cannabis flowers or processed products. For those dedicated farmers and processors that are able to qualify for this standard, the Clean Green Certified® Vegan certification can be a valued addition to their marketing program in meeting this consumer demand.

Contact us today for applications or questions or apply today! 

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