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Clean Green Certified® FAQs

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Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation implementing the 2022-23 state budget, including a trailer bill focused on measures that will bring tax relief to the cannabis industry, support equity businesses, strengthen enforcement tools against illegal cannabis operators, and protect youth, environmental, and public safety programs funded by cannabis tax revenue.
The cannabis tax reform trailer bill will:
Indefinitely suspend the cannabis cultivation tax effective July 1, 2022
Move cannabis excise-tax collection and remittance to retail in 2023, establishing one point of collection and remittance and greatly simplifying tax requirements for the entire cannabis supply chain
Retain the current 15-percent excise tax rate until at least 2025, and thereafter increase the tax rate (no higher than 19 percent) as necessary to make up for cultivation-tax revenue
Allow eligible equity retailers to keep a percentage of the excise tax they collect
Create new tax credits for equity licensees and some cannabis businesses with stronger labor standards
Strengthen labor peace requirements
Protect programs funded by cannabis taxes by allocating $150 million General Fund to backfill potential lost revenue
Make illegal cannabis businesses liable for all unpaid tax and allow bad actors to be held personally liable for tax evasion
Among many things, this bill invests millions of dollars into equity operators and retailers and expanding retail access, and contains reforms that will help stabilize the cannabis market, provide relief to farmers, incentivize stronger labor standards and crack down on the illegal market. You can access the bill language here.
This historic budget also provides further economic relief to Californians, expanding healthcare, boosting small businesses, and pouring billions into public schools.
DCC is grateful to Governor Newsom and the Legislature for their commitment to improve California’s cannabis policies and further support an equitable, safe, and sustainable cannabis industry in California.

The Clean Green cannabis farms, processor/handler certification is for the farm, processor/handler who maintains a clean and sustainable business environment. This environment is one in which Clean Green cannabis can be made into a clean, sustainable final product for the consumer. The Clean Green program allows this quality processor/handler to be distinguished from the rest with a label that stands for legal compliance, consumer quality and environmental stewardship. Unfortunately, cannabis crop producers & processors are NOT allowed to apply for USDA organic status as cannabis is not a federally recognized agricultural crop. With the Clean Green Certified program, our farms and processors/handlers can be certified based on National and International organic, plant-based, regenerative and sustainable standards building consumer confidence in a premium cannabis product.  Some of the Clean Green Certification program key benefits include:

  • Quality Control
  • Peace of Mind
  • Custom website with verified logo to Confirm Certification Compliance
  • Unique Products & Fertilizers
  • Market Differentiation
  • Qualified  Inspection
  • Legal Knowledge, Preparation and Compliance
  • Laboratory Testing
  • Reduced Liability
  • Specialized Grow Operations
  • New Growing Technologies
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction

To apply, please click here. 

The Clean Green Certified® Program uses a federally licensed agricultural lab, the same lab we use for our National Organic Program testing. We use these labs to provide not only the highest standards for our members, but it is also a greater protection for their practices.  A federally licensed lab’s results will stand up to legal scrutiny.  

Beware of a less experienced cannabis certification program that is affiliated with a non federally licensed lab – a cannabis lab.  These cannabis certification programs are used to channel testing to their affiliated testing lab.  This co-dependance shatters any presumption of objectivity between the certification program and the testing lab.  The lower licensing standards of the cannabis labs varied widely between states and standard enforcement is minimal at best. 
Be certain to ask any certification program:  who does their lab testing, are they affiliated in any way with the lab and are they a federally licensed agricultural lab. 
The use of the real, federally licensed agricultural laboratories is just another example of the Clean Green Certified Program’s  higher standards, and greater understanding of the legal and regulatory issues surrounding cannabis and certification. programs. 

The Clean Green processor/handler certification is for outlets or dispensaries that sell cannabis and/or cannabis products to consumers and for any business that processes cannabis into derivative products (edibles, oils, tintures, etc.). In some cases (ex. a dispensary that grows some of its own medicine or an edibles company that grows cannabis that is used in their certified baked goods), businesses will need both a processor/handler and a crop producer certification.

Once the application is completed, a processor/handler or crop inspection may be scheduled. During the inspection it is confirmed that the methods stated in the applications are in fact the methods being used on-site. There is a thorough review of the record keeping system of your Clean Green Certified operation. The inspection will involve mock recall and trace-back exercises that will show the facility’s ability to keep track of Clean Green Certified cannabis and protect it from contamination. The certified and licensed member will also receive a unique certification number, and digital Clean Green Certified “verified” logo that will be displayed on their custom page directory. The certification is valid for one year from the date your certificate was issued.

Although some may claim familiarity with the organic standards, in 2004, Chris Van Hook founded one of the only 84 Organic Certification Companies GLOBALLY accredited by the USDA National Organic Program to certify farms and processors as organic. This federal accreditation makes the qualifications of the Clean Green Certification Program far greater than any other program. Continuing to move up in qualifications, Chris Van Hook has been an attorney for certified organic producers and processors since 2017, helping to guide them through the complex realm of organic laws and regulation, again, clearly putting the qualifications of the Clean Green Certification Program head and shoulders above the rest. No other cannabis program globally has anywhere near the number of award-winning products as the Clean Green Certification program.  Clean Green Certified Farms, Processors, and Outlets continue to win and place in competitions, continuing the legacy since 2004.


Products, services, and equipment licensed to carry the Clean Green Certified logo have been reviewed by our staff and have been found to contribute to the sustainability of cannabis farming.
These products, services, and equipment have been evaluated to meet our high standards and quality criteria.
Displaying the Clean Green logo on your product label is an excellent way to differentiate yourself from the many already on the market. Please request an application.

The cost of a Clean Green Certification varies depending on a number of factors. Some factors are: the size of the operation, is the operation a crop producer as well as a processor and or retail outlet. If there is a “grower group” where a number of farms work together with the same inputs. Does a farm have multiple locations. Call us today for pricing. 

People often ask “what is the difference between organic and vegan”. Both build their soils into complex living soils. Both care greatly about providing a safer, more sustainable product for the consumer. Both have taken a road more difficult than the easier road of conventional agriculture production. Vegan production however forgoes the use of any animal by-products in their fertilizer regimes. Organic producers can use bone meals, feather meals and composted manures along with their plant based composts, green mulches, and plant extracts. Vegan producers rely solely on the plant based composts, green mulches and plant extracts. This non-use of animal products allows a Vegan consumer to enjoy products and stay within their own personal beliefs and preferences. Ask about our Clean Green Certified Vegan© certification program today. Email to learn more.

Cannabis is not yet legal under Federal Law and the Clean Green Certified® Program does nothing to make it legal under Federal Law. An interested party is advised to research the federal guidelines, as well as their state guidelines prior to any participation in a medical or recreational cannabis program. The Clean Green Certified logo, name and brand is protected by both federal and state trademark and copyright law.  Misuse of either the Clean Green Certified® logo, name or brand is a violation of those federal, state laws and protections. The Clean Green Certified® Program has and will continue to take steps to enforce the applicable protective laws.

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